15 September 2014

Beata Vergine Maria Addolorata (Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows)

La Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore has five Masses daily. There are three in the morning, beginning at 7 o'clock, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening.

This morning I planned to awake in time for the second morning Mass. I left a bit early for some time of quiet prayer.
Daily Mass is held in one of the side chapels. I knew this upon arriving, but to make sure I knew of which chapel, I asked a Sister standing next to me. She confirmed that Mass was to begin at 8 o'clock in the chapel further down. I saw that the closest chapel's gates were open and the alter was lit, so I thought, "I'll just come in here for some private prayer." Upon entering, I realized that there was a community of people gathered. So, I quietly kneeled down, expecting that I would head to the other chapel in fifteen minutes or so.

About five minutes into prayer, there stood two priests at the gates. They processed down the chapel aisle, carrying the consecrated hosts and took their places near the alter. Come to find out, I was celebrating Mass with a South African group on pilgrimage.

As I continued in the celebration, I was filled with pure joy for many reasons. One reason of the humorous nature is that I was one of two fair skinned people in the congregation. So, there I was, not only a foreigner in Italy, but I was participating in the Eucharistic celebration with a bunch of South Africans. If that's not funny, I don't know what is. This comical reality brought forth a deeper and more substantive note- How amazing is the universality of the Church!
My heart was delighted in reflecting on the fact that I am part of a greater family that spans this earthly dwelling. And, I got to share in the celestial celebration with sisters and brothers of a distant land. Father (not sure his name) shared a beautiful homily about Christ's insurmountable love, love so great that He shared with us His mother that she might watch over us.

I was awed by the strength in voice of the hymns sung by the community. When we shared the sign of peace, not one person was skipped by another. I was embraced by the pilgrims with a love I will always remember.

Today my prayers are joined with those of the Santa Barbara family of Our Lady of Sorrows Church.

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