18 July 2012

Madonna di Carmelo- Pescasseroli

During my visit to Pescasseroli (Ann'a hometown in Abruzzo), the town celebrated the feast of La Madonna di Carmelo, July 16. The whole town, about 2000 people, gathered to honor Our Lady. La festa began Sunday night with a multi-part procession from one church to the other and Mass outside. Then, there was a beautiful fireworks show.

The next day, the feast day, people gathered again for Mass and for a procession through the town. The Confraternity, dressed in their Carmelite attire, accompanied by a band and the people of Pescasseroli walked through the small town singing beautiful Marian prayers.

I shared with my cousins how special it was for me to partake in this celebration. I tried to explain the specialty of an entire town stopping their daily routine to honor Our Lady. The beautiful souls of these small towns keep our Church alive.

As I walked along the faithful Pescasserolians, I meditated upon the beauty of such a way of life.

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